

The team is comprised of Members and Contributors. Members have direct access to the source of a project and actively evolve the code-base. Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions to the Members. The number of Contributors to the project is unbounded. Get involved today. All contributions to the project are greatly appreciated!

Don't email the authors directly on the usage of Thymeleaf &mdash use public forums like StackOverflow instead. Direct emails with usage-related questions will not be answered.


Name Role GitHub Location
Daniel Fernández Founder, Lead Developer danielfernandez Spain
José Miguel Samper Developer jmiguelsamper Ireland
Emanuel Rabina Developer ultraq New Zealand


Name GitHub Location
Bernard Le Roux France
Josh Long joshlong U.S.A.
Guven Demir guven Turkey
Tsuyoshi Yoshizawa tsuyoshizawa Japan
Soraya Sánchez sorayasl Spain
Thibault Duchateau tduchateau France
Michal Kreuzman kreuzman Czech Republic
Sunil Kumar Anjanappa sunil0791 India
Asís García asis Spain
Tobias Gafner lightszentip Germany
Niels opensource21 Germany
Rustam Miftakhutdinov rustamm Russia
Rafał Borowiec kolorobot Poland
Nicolas Labrot nithril France
Joris Kuipers jkuipers The Netherlands
Takeshi Ogawa ogatakex Japan
Peter Jentsch pjentsch Germany
Mitsuyuki Shiiba bufferings Japan
Sean Hinkley seanhinkley U.S.A.
Grégory Fouquet gfouquet France
Michael Scharhag mscharhag Germany
Ivan Martinez-Ortiz imartinezortiz Spain
Kazuki Shimizu kazuki43zoo Japan
Voicu Pop vpop U.S.A.
Andreas Schnapp git2snap Germany
Danny Trunk dtrunk90 Germany
Atsushi Yoshikawa yoshikawaa Japan
Masatoshi Tada MasatoshiTada Japan

Our Tools

Some companies have graciously provided us with licenses of their products in order to develop, test and maintain Thymeleaf. Thanks to all of them for supporting our project!