Class AjaxThymeleafView

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, org.springframework.web.context.ServletContextAware, org.springframework.web.servlet.View, AjaxEnabledView
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class AjaxThymeleafView
    extends ThymeleafView
    implements AjaxEnabledView

    Subclass of ThymeleafView adding compatibility with AJAX events in Spring JavaScript (part of Spring WebFlow). This allows this View implementation to be able to return only fragments of the page.

    These rendering of fragments is used, for example, in Spring WebFlow's <render> instructions (though not only).

    This view searches for a comma-separated list of markup selectors in a request parameter called fragments.

    Daniel Fernández
    • Constructor Detail

      • AjaxThymeleafView

        public AjaxThymeleafView()
    • Method Detail

      • getAjaxHandler

        public org.springframework.webflow.context.servlet.AjaxHandler getAjaxHandler()
        Description copied from interface: AjaxEnabledView

        Return the AJAX handler (from Spring Javascript) used to determine whether a request is an AJAX request or not.

        Views implementing this interface should be used with an instance of AjaxThymeleafViewResolver or any of its subclasses, so that AjaxEnabledView.setAjaxHandler(AjaxHandler) can be called by the resolver when resolving the view, setting the default AJAX handler being used.

        Specified by:
        getAjaxHandler in interface AjaxEnabledView
        the AJAX handler.
      • setAjaxHandler

        public void setAjaxHandler​(org.springframework.webflow.context.servlet.AjaxHandler ajaxHandler)
        Description copied from interface: AjaxEnabledView

        Sets the AJAX handler (from Spring Javascript) used to determine whether a request is an AJAX request or not.

        Views implementing this interface should be used with an instance of AjaxThymeleafViewResolver or any of its subclasses, so that this method can be called by the resolver when resolving the view, setting the default AJAX handler being used.

        Specified by:
        setAjaxHandler in interface AjaxEnabledView
        ajaxHandler - the AJAX handler.
      • render

        public void render​(Map<String,​?> model,
                           javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                           javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)
                    throws Exception
        Specified by:
        render in interface org.springframework.web.servlet.View
        render in class ThymeleafView
      • getRenderFragments

        protected Set<String> getRenderFragments​(Map model,
                                                 javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                                 javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response)