
Thymeleaf 3 ten-minute migration guide

Are you a Thymeleaf 2 user wishing to try the new Thymeleaf 3.0?

First, we have good news: Your existing Thymeleaf templates are almost 100% compatible with Thymeleaf 3 so you will only have to do a few modifications in your configuration.

Let’s have a quick look at each of the important new concepts and features this new version brings:

Template changes

The only change we recommend doing to your templates is removing any th:inline="text" attributes you might have, because they are not needed anymore in order to have output inlined expressions in HTML or XML templates. And it’s just a recommendation — templates will work anyway. But you will benefit from some extra processing performance if you remove those.

See more information about this below in the Improved inlining mechanism section.

Configuration changes

Let’s show an example of the Thymeleaf 3 configuration using the thymeleaf-spring4 integration package and Java config, as it is the most common choice among Thymeleaf users.

First, the updated Maven dependencies to get Thymeleaf 3 (core):


And the Spring 4 integration package (which might be everything you need in a Spring app):


Second, the Spring configuration:

public class ThymeleafConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter implements ApplicationContextAware {

  private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

  public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
    this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

  public ViewResolver viewResolver() {
    ThymeleafViewResolver resolver = new ThymeleafViewResolver();
    return resolver;

  public TemplateEngine templateEngine() {
    SpringTemplateEngine engine = new SpringTemplateEngine();
    return engine;

  private ITemplateResolver templateResolver() {
    SpringResourceTemplateResolver resolver = new SpringResourceTemplateResolver();
    return resolver;

The first difference with the Thymeleaf 2 configuration is that now the recommended template resolver for Spring applications is SpringResourceTemplateResolver. It needs a reference to the Spring ApplicationContext so the configuration bean has to implement the ApplicationContextAware interface.

The second difference is that the template mode has a value of TemplateMode.HTML. Template modes are not strings anymore and the possible values are a bit different from Thymeleaf 2. We will discuss it in a minute.

If you need to add any extra dialects, you can use the engine.addDialect(...) method, but first make sure that it already has a Thymeleaf 3 compatible version.

Also, note how now we can enable the SpEL (Spring Expression Language) compiler when Spring 4.2.4 or newer is used, which will positively affect the performance of our Spring applications.

You can browse and download the source code for simple “Hello World!” examples at Thymeleaf 3 + Spring 4 + Java config example, Thymeleaf 3 + Spring 4 + XML config example and Thymeleaf 3 + Servlet 3 example

You can also find some additional information (links to binaries and javadocs) at the Thymeleaf 3.0.0.BETA03 announcement.

Full HTML5 markup support

Thymeleaf 3.0 is no longer XML-based, thanks to its new parsing system, so there is no need to write XML-valid HTML code anymore (even if we still recommend you to do so for legibility reasons). When in HTML mode, Thymeleaf is now much more lenient in terms of closed tags, quoted attributes, etc.

So this is now a perfectly processable (yet a bit ugly) Thymeleaf template:

<div><p th:text=${mytext} ng-app>Whatever

For an explanation of the new parsing system, see Full HTML5 support, new parsing infrastructure

Template modes

Thymeleaf 3 replaces the set of template modes from previous versions. The new template modes are:

  • HTML
  • XML
  • TEXT
  • CSS
  • RAW

There are two markup template modes (HTML and XML), three textual template modes (TEXT, JAVASCRIPT and CSS) and a no-op template mode (RAW).

The HTML template mode will admit any kind of HTML markup input, including HTML5, HTML 4 and XHTML. No markup validation of well-formedness check will be performed, and template markup code structure will be respected to the biggest possible extent in output.

For a detailed explanation of the different template modes, please take a look at Thymeleaf 3.0 Template Mode set.

You can see a simple example exercising the new template modes at

Textual template modes

The new textual template modes bring to Thymeleaf the ability to output CSS, Javascript and plain text. This is handy if you want to use the values of server-side variables in your CSS and Javascript files, or to generate plain text content as, for example, in e-mail composing.

In order to have all Thymeleaf features available for the textual modes, a new syntax has been introduced. For example, you can iterate like:

[# th:each="item : ${items}"]
  - [# th:utext="${item}" /]

For a full explanation of this new syntax, take a look at New syntax for textual template modes

Improved inlining mechanism

Sometimes it is handy to be able to output data without using extra tags or attributes, as in:

<p>This product is called [[${}]] and it's great!</p>

This capability, called inlining, has been greatly improved and is now much better supported in Thymeleaf 3. See Inlined output expressions for details.

The existing inlining mechanism also matches the new template modes and, indeed, make innecesary the th:inline="text" attribute because inlining now exists in HTML mode itself. Take a look at the discussion on Refactoring of the inlining mechanism

Fragment Expressions

Thymeleaf 3.0 introduces a new type of expression as a part of the general Thymeleaf Standard Expression system: Fragment Expressions.

They look like this: ~{commons::footer} and yes, they are extremely similar to the syntax that could be used inside th:replace and th:include (now th:insert) since long ago… because they use exactly that syntax, but generalized so that it can now be used in other scopes.

What is the advantage of that? well, first and most useful, we can now pass markup fragments as parameters to other fragments. See the th:replace below:

<head th:replace="base :: common_header(~{::title},~{::link})">
  <title>Awesome - Main</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/css/bootstrap.min.css}">
  <link rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css}">

There we are passing to our common_header fragment two other markup fragments containing our <title> and <link> tags, which can then be easily used in our common_header:

<head th:fragment="common_header(title,links)">
  <title th:replace="${title}">The awesome application</title>

  <!-- Common styles and scripts -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" th:href="@{/css/awesomeapp.css}">
  <link rel="shortcut icon" th:href="@{/images/favicon.ico}">
  <script type="text/javascript" th:src="@{/sh/scripts/codebase.js}"></script>

  <!--/* Per-page placeholder for additional links */-->
  <th:block th:replace="${links}" />

See how, thanks to this, many layout (or page composition) techniques have become much easier in Thymeleaf 3.0.

But the possibilities don’t end here: we can use fragment expressions for much more, which you can learn about here: Fragment Expressions.

The No-Operation token

Another new feature of Thymeleaf Standard Expressions in Thymeleaf 3.0 is the NO-OP (no-operation) token, represented by an underscore symbol (_) and which basically means “do nothing”.

Using “do-nothing” as an expression result is more useful than it might look at first sight. For example, it can help us greatly reduce the complexity of our template code by letting us use our prototyping code as default values.

See this very simple example:

<span th:text="${} ?: _">no user authenticated</span>

In the code above we don’t need to specify what exactly should be output if our user has no name: in that case, Thymeleaf will do nothing. The result? output will be that text we have written as the body of the tag: no user authenticated, which in this case will double as text that will make our template look nice as a prototype and default value for that th:text in case there is no user authenticated.

Learn more about this new capability here: The NO-OP token.

Decoupled Template Logic

Thymeleaf 3.0 allows the complete (and optional) decoupling of template logic from templates themselves in the HTML and XML template modes, resulting in 100%-Thymeleaf-free, logic-less templates.

Now markup of a home.html template file can be as clean as this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <table id="usersTable">
        <td class="username">Jeremy Grapefruit</td>
        <td class="usertype">Normal User</td>
        <td class="username">Alice Watermelon</td>
        <td class="usertype">Administrator</td>

And the only thing Thymeleaf will need in order to use that HTML as a template is another file by its side, a, looking like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <attr sel="#usersTable" th:remove="all-but-first">
    <attr sel="/tr[0]" th:each="user : ${users}">
      <attr sel="td.username" th:text="${}" />
      <attr sel="td.usertype" th:text="#{|user.type.${user.type}|}" />

This decoupled logic specifies attributes that should be injected during parsing into specific parts of the template (selected by the markup selectors in their sel attributes). The result will be 100% equivalent to a template in which those attributes had been there from the beginning.

Being able to process HTML templates that have no embedded Thymeleaf code can become a huge advantage when using pure-HTML files as design artifacts: now these can be created, modified and/or understood by designers or other people in the team that don’t necessarily have Thymeleaf knowledge. But not only that — it can also allow the processing as templates of markup created by external tools or systems without the need to modify such markup.

For more information, see Decoupled Template Logic.

Performance improvements

Even with all the great new features, the main achievement of Thymeleaf 3.0 is a very significant improvement in performance, a somewhat common discussion topic with previous versions.

Being Thymeleaf an XML-based template engine up to v2.1 brought the power of implementing many great features, but sometimes at a performance cost. And while Thymeleaf rendering time was negligible for the vast majority of projects, this caveat was noticeable in projects with special characteristics (for example, high-load websites dealing with tables with dozens of thousands of rows).

Thymeleaf 3’s engine has been rewritten from scratch with the main focus put on performance. Thymeleaf 3 performs much better than the previous versions so we hope it covers the needs of more and more projects. But Thymeleaf 3’s performance is not only about rendering time: it has also been specifically designed to have a low memory footprint and help reduce latency in high-concurrency scenarios.

For a technical discussion on the new Thymeleaf 3 architecture, see New event-based template processing engine

But performance improvements do not stop at the architectural level: there are also some performance goodies in v3.0 like the ability to enable the SpringEL (Spring Expression Language or SpEL) compiler that, since version 4.2.4 of the Spring Framework, can be used by Thymeleaf in order to give an extra push to template processing performance in Spring-enabled environments. See Configuring the SpringEL compiler.

And if you are not using Spring and therefore your expression language is OGNL, we’ve made some performance improvements there too, even making a couple of contributions to the OGNL codebase that should benefit Thymeleaf’s performance in environments such as those based on the new MVC1.0 (JSR371) standard.

Independence from the Servlet API

Versions prior to Thymeleaf 3.0 were already independent from the Java Servlet API in the sense that Thymeleaf allowed offline execution of the template engine, i.e. processing templates without the application living in a web container. This was useful in scenarios such as processing email templates.

But Thymeleaf 3.0 includes a series of improvements that can make Thymeleaf truly independent from the Servlet API in web environments that do not make use of Java Servlets such as many of the reactive frameworks available today (more on this in the next section), which will be now able to integrate with Thymeleaf in an easier and more elegant way.

For more information see: New extension point: Link Builders and Generalisation of the IEngineContext mechanism.

Integration into Reactive Frameworks and Architectures

Reactive is one of the key buzzwords of the moment, and reactive architectures have nowadays many (great) actors in the Java scene, like vert.x, RatPack, Play Framework, or the upcoming Spring Reactive.

Thymeleaf 3.0 vastly improves the integration possibilities for these frameworks, not only by providing a higher independence from the Servlet API as seen above, but also by means of a new capability called engine throttling.

Engine throttling allows the Thymeleaf engine to execute partially and on-demand answering back-pressure requests from the output channels and sending buffers to them filled with template output as a result. All of this operating single-threaded.

But not only that: the new Thymeleaf engine can also apply throttling in a data-driven manner, by identifying a context variable as a publisher of data (implementations might vary depending on the host framework) and producing partial output as a response to data-publishing events coming from this publisher. This effectively turns Thymeleaf into a highly efficient way of publishing reactively-generated, data-oriented markup from the server side.

New Dialect system

Thymeleaf 3 features a brand new dialect system. If you developed a Thymeleaf Dialect for a previous version of Thymeleaf, you will have to adapt it to make it Thymeleaf 3-compatible.

The new dialect interface is really simple…

public interface IDialect {

  public String getName();


…but you can add many different features on top of it depending on the specific subinterfaces of IDialect that you implement.

Let’s highlight a few enhancements of the new Dialect system:

  • There are not only processors but pre-processors and post-processors, so the template content can be modified before and after being processed. We could, for example, use a pre-processor to serve cached content or a post-processor to minimize and compress the output.
  • Dialect precedence is a new concept which allows the sorting of processors across dialects. Processor precedences are now considered relative to dialect precedence, so every processor in a specific dialect can be configured to be executed before any processors from a different dialect just by setting the correct values for this dialect precedence.
  • Expression object dialects provide new expression objects or expression utility objects that can be used in expressions anywhere in templates, such as the #strings, #numbers, #dates, etc. provided by the Standard Dialect.

For further explanation of these features, take a look at:

Refactoring of the core APIs

The core APIs have been refactored heavily, browse the following issues for details:

Final thoughts

Thymeleaf 3 is a major achievement on the Thymeleaf Template Engine project after four years of existence and many, many, many hours of very hard work. It comes with terrific new features and many under-the-hood improvements.

We hope it fits better the needs of your projects. So please don’t hesitate giving it a try and sending us your feedback!